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It’s not funny what has happened to humour. Last week, the great Barry Humphries was punished for speaking his mind. The “ Barry Award “, given to the outstanding comedian of the year at the Melbourne Comedy Festival, will have a name change. It will now be known as the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Award. Apparently, Barry Humphries is too offensive these days. In 2018, he upset the snowflake lefties  when he called transgenderism “a fashion” and said, “how many different kinds of lavatory can you have? And it’s pretty evil when it’s preached to children by crazy teachers”. The Festival organisers said “Barry’s comments obviously came into play and they moved things along about. Barry’s comments were hideous. It is good that our awards have a name that any person within the festival and can comfortable about. “  

Barry Humphries once said  "There is no more terrible fate for a comedian than to be taken seriously."

It seems that fate has had the last laugh. But is there something that can be done? He has two friends who could step in right now. Why haven’t they?


I wish that his long time Australian business associate and sometimes friend, Dame Edna Everidge, had stepped forward in his defense. But perhaps, even Dame Edna has had enough as well.

For those of you who are not aware of the magnificent Dame Edna Everidge, she  was the Australian housewife who became a global megastar. From humble beginnings, all those years ago, as a young girl, she knew that she was different. When I read her autobiography “ My Gorgeous Life “  back in 1989, I remember her describing herself the moment she knew that she stood out from her playmates. It was, as I recollect, in the sandpit. Her mauve hair made her feel like a magnificent agapanthus and her friends were envious of her beauty and grace… or something along those lines. She spoke of the things that made her stand out and her early realisation that she was destined for great things, far from the suburban confines of Moonee Ponds.

 “  I was born in Melbourne with a precious gift. Dame Nature must have stooped over my little bassinet and gave me this gift. It was the ability - the priceless ability - to laugh at the misfortunes of others. “

Admittedly, her views on Barry Humphries have never been a secret. She did not like Barry Humphries. She criticised him as an opportunist ever eager to make money off her talents. However, she added, ''If it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't be where I am today.''

Dame Edna always acknowledged that she owed Barry Humphries a debt of gratitude, but was constantly angered that he seemed to encourage misguided people to believe that she was merely him dressed up in women’s clothing . I have long suspected that this caused a permanent rift between the pair. He did defend her some years ago by saying  ''Dame Edna insists on being Dame Edna and regards crass assertions that she's a cross-dressing weirdo from Australia as scurrilous and actionable.'' 

It seems sad that she has now abandoned him in his time of need.

Barry Humphries has a history of being somewhat outspoken. However, he did once say  "There is no more terrible fate for a comedian than to be taken seriously."


I remember when Barry actually defended Sir Les over the infamous East West Airlines issue. Who could forget it?

From what I recollect, Sir Les Patterson boarded an East west Airlines flight and had a tin of creamed corn or similar, which he emptied into the airline “ sick bag. “ He was banned from East West. Barry Humphries intervened on Sir Les’ behalf. As a direct result of Barry Humphries pleas, Sir Les was allowed back on to the airline.

sir les

Yet not one word from Sir Les when Barry needs his support?

Come one Sir Les and Dame Edna. It is time to repay some debts, some favours and some loyalty. Barry has been good to you.

Get on talk back radio and make some calls. You may be surprised to see how your support will help Bazza out ….

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