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What a Halloween that was: While we lay safely tucked up in our beds, the Premier of Queensland was zooming across the sky defeating goblins and ghouls from the dreaded world of Covid. Oh sure, it has meant us being locked up with our teddy bears and cuddle rugs, but we could all sleep soundly knowing that our valiant leader was out there protecting us. Keeping us safe. Last night, she carried off the ultimate " trick or treat " - much like her fellow " saviour " from across the ditch, Princess Xindy of New Zealand and our southern neighbour's Comrade Dan..

Because , mark my words, she won this election on the back of FEAR. 

The voters of Queensland are apparently incredibly grateful to her and her team of broomstick warriors - so much so that they returned her for another 4 years. 

As a premier during the so called virus crisis, the Queensland leader was beamed into our homes and onto our computers everyday to provide updates on the virus and corresponding health policies. Much  like old mate Comrade Dan in Victoria, they owned the airwaves, Main Stream Media's complete and undivided attention and most importantly , the unswerving appreciation of a population fed on fear and insecurity for most of the year.

This election was about one thing and one thing only: FEAR and compliance. If we were good little kiddies, we could rely on our brave leader to do the heavy lifting and any removal of our RIGHTS was only because she loved us and cared for us. 

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There was no need to talk about mounting debt, rising job losses and unemployment. These were small prices to pay for our safety. The people forgot that the debt and unemployment were already at alarming levels before the outbreak of the virus: all that mattered was that we had been kept safe.  

Alot of criticism can be levelled at the the feet of the Invisible Opposition leader Deb Frecklington. She ran a very poor campaign. But I have to wonder if it would have made a blind bit of difference if she run the most stellar campaign in history. The kids were always going to vote for the person who kept them safe through the hell of a nearly year long night of Halloween. 

The big shock of the night was the poor outcome for One Nation. I certainly never saw that coming. I can only think that border SECURITY, health SECURITY and the child like need for protection saw people scuttle back to hide under Mummy's skirt because she was keeping the monsters away.

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It was certainly an evening of shock and mourning. On the same night we surrendered our independence, our right to make our own decisions and be grown ups, we also saw the humiliating defeat of the Wallabies in a gut wrenching Bledisloe Cup match. it’s the biggest victory margin in the history of the Bledisloe Cup matches rugby matches, dating back 117 years and 168 matches to 1903.  On a personal level, I can't say I cared much for the new look uniforms which looked more like an Indigenous art competitiion than a footy uniform and the players were certainly a diverse group of chaps, weren't they? The National anthem was sung with little enthusiasm and I could not help that this competition had little to do with Australia and more to do with a group of imported athletes who were good at their chosen sport.

To top off a rather depressing day, Sean Connery passed away - my all time favourite James Bond - and I could not help but wonder if 2020 has been a year more about loss that anything else. Loss of hope, loss of optimism, loss of identity and loss of a patriotic sense of pride. 

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This virus has changed the fabric of our society in a very impactive way. We have regressed in to a child like dependency on our Governments to protect us from everything scary in the world. From here on in, it will be hard to recover our sense of dignity, pride and self reliance if we forever choose to cower at home with Mummy and are too scared of the goblins to ever want to go outside and play. 

We have surely been tricked into getting our treats and I think that the Halloween night of darkness will be with us for a long time to come. 


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