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When I first read about this I wondered how on earth an island, owned by the people of Queensland had been leased to China. It troubled me. So I started digging and I have been down the rabbit hole for a week or more. 

The clear waters of the Great Barrier Reef are murkier than a sewer. Money floods in and shit flows out. To be honest, this lease is as about as useless ( for Queenslanders ) as tits on a bull and the only winner is the owner of the lease, The lease is a document that pretty much says do what you want and all you have to do is let the Queensland Government and Mackay City Council pop in to check navigation lights and Bob or BobXi is your Uncle.

I do not know what the sub lease agreements say. What I do know is that, unless the sub leaseholders had some protection under their lease agreements, there is no protection under the Mother Lease.Nothing.

After going through that main lease, unless the sub lease agreements gave the sub leasees some form of protection, they are buggered.

About 30 years ago, some friends of my family wanted to move from their freehold home to a leasehold retirement village, I cautioned them. They ignored me, They became trapped in a lease agreement that saw them helpless to escape.

Unless someone who "owns " one of these sub leases contacts me, I have no idea if there is protection under the main lease. If I can read that lease, I may be able to help.

However, I suspect that the sub leasees are up shit creek without a paddle. 

Unless the sublease requires that the owner of the main lease has an obligation to allow free access to the island via the air strip or boat ramp, I cannot see how they can access their properties.

My conclusion, after reading the main lease is that, unless the sub leases require some legal requirement from the main leasee to give access, they are buggered.

It reminds me of a bloke down the road: Clive Palmer. He bought the Coolum Hyatt 5 star resort. Part of that resort was a group of villas, known as the Presidential Villas.

Clive did not want any ownership on his property. He cut off the power and closed the resort down.

After years of litigation, he offered a pittance to the owners and will, no doubt, get rid of these pesky people who dared to pay good money to use their own properties.

$65,000 for something once worth half a million.

Keswick Island.. is it any different to the Coolum Hyatt Palmer Resort?

If you have enough money, you can always defeat the little bloke.

From what I have learned today, the owner of the lease, China Bloom, is a subsidiary company of other companies.

It is becoming very sinister to say the least.

I will keep going down the rabbit hole.  What I am seeing so far is a very unpleasant web of deceit

All I can see so far is theft.

If anyone out there is a leasee I would love to see your lease.


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