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A message from George Christensen for voters .

The Liberal National Coalition have aided and abetted state governments with vaccine mandates and pandemic restrictions, they’ve done nothing about religious freedom, they’ve got digital identity laws already drafted, they haven’t taken the Port of Darwin back from Communist China yet and they’ve failed to do anything about Big Tech censorship.

Labor is hopeless on all of these issues. We can only count on them to make a bad situation worse. They were the ones at state level — think Daniel Andrews — who wielded some of the worst pandemic powers against the people. They are also hopelessly compromised to Communist China.

By contrast, One Nation’s Senator Pauline Hanson and Senator Malcolm Roberts have been fighting on all of these issues for years. They are guard dogs at the gate trying to stop bad laws and bad policies from affecting you, your family and our nation. This is why I am proud to be a candidate for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation.

Don’t believe the fake news on preferences

You may have heard via the fake news that Pauline Hanson’s One Nation is preferencing Labor in the upcoming federal election. This is a lie.



These 3 issues will impact your vote

Plus two more that will have you cranky!

George Christensen MP

Apr 30 Comment Share

Hello friends,

As you probably know, I’m running on Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Senate ticket for Queensland in the upcoming federal election. To that end, I recently spoke at a Senate candidates forum in Brisbane where I outlined three issues that should impact your vote this election, plus two more that will leave you cranky at the major parties.

View my speech here:


The three issues I outlined include the vaccine mandates and other authoritarian pandemic restrictions, religious freedom and the digital identity agenda. The other two issues that make me cranky — and no doubt make you cranky too — include the ongoing sell-out of our nation to Communist China and the lack of action against Big Tech censorship.

The Liberal National Coalition have aided and abetted state governments with vaccine mandates and pandemic restrictions, they’ve done nothing about religious freedom, they’ve got digital identity laws already drafted, they haven’t taken the Port of Darwin back from Communist China yet and they’ve failed to do anything about Big Tech censorship.

Labor is hopeless on all of these issues. We can only count on them to make a bad situation worse. They were the ones at state level — think Daniel Andrews — who wielded some of the worst pandemic powers against the people. They are also hopelessly compromised to Communist China.

By contrast, One Nation’s Senator Pauline Hanson and Senator Malcolm Roberts have been fighting on all of these issues for years. They are guard dogs at the gate trying to stop bad laws and bad policies from affecting you, your family and our nation. This is why I am proud to be a candidate for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation.

Don’t believe the fake news on preferences

You may have heard via the fake news that Pauline Hanson’s One Nation is preferencing Labor in the upcoming federal election. This is a lie.

Here are the facts:

  • In order for your vote to be valid, you must number every square on your House of Representatives ballot.
  • This means you have to place (or preference) one of the major parties above the other somewhere on the ballot.
  • You decide the preferences you want on your ballot paper.
  • All political parties issue how to vote cards which are only recommendations. Once again, you decide the preferences you want on your ballot paper.
  • Pauline Hanson’s One Nation will preference “freedom” parties above the major parties on their how to vote cards.
  • Our view is the major parties — the Liberals/Nationals/LNP, Labor and the Greens — should go last.
  • In just five electorates that have sitting left-leaning Liberal MPs, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation will recommend those Liberals be placed below Labor.
  • Those five left-leaning Liberals have been responsible for pulling the Liberal National Coalition to the left on climate change, religious freedom and so many other issues.
  • In the vast majority of electorates, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation recommends Labor and the Greens go last.

Here’s the details from Pauline Hanson herself:

The above video is a clip from a longer Conservative One podcast interview I conducted with Pauline Hanson a few days ago which I will release to my Nation First readers in the week ahead.

Once again, I’m busy on the campaign trail so there’s no Beyond the Fake News this week. It will likely make a return to the newsletter after the election.

Thanks for reading and thanks for your ongoing support. And God bless you, your family and our nation.

Take care,

George Christensen

P.S. A lot of people have asked me for How To Vote information from Pauline Hanson’s One Nation. Next week, I will email you a link to access a How To Vote card for your electorate and for the Senate in your State.

Authorised by G. Christensen, Mackay, for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party.
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