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Redhead recently adopted two little manx cats: a brother and sister. they HAD to be kept together because the little sister was too frightened and fragile to be left on her own. Her big brother was there to protect her and his job was to keep her safe.

Well, that turned out to be a bit of a swizz.

Or, as we say here on patriotrealm.... a bit of a swoosh. Let me explain.

I accompanied Redhead to the animal shelter. She was interviewed by a volunteer carer:  about her suitability to have these two young lives under her umbrella of care.

Her history of over 45 years being an adoptive Mum of cats and dogs was sufficient to grant her a passport to love: as long as she took the big brave brother and his helpless little sister as well. Being 90 years old does afford you some respect. 

Done deal.

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They were transported to cat heaven on earth at Redhead's home for the terribly, terribly indulged.

Multiple beds had been set out. In the laundry. In the lounge. In the tv room. 

Water, food, sunshine and abundant love by the bucketload.

We brought the two cats in and cautiously opened their carry case.

Big bad Beau was on the case. NOT. 



Big Bad Beau ( the male) huddled in the back, cautious. Checking things out. Little Miss Bridget came out and looked around. Her little pink nose twitching and her pretty pink paws checking out the new prairie that she had been told was her new homestead.

She checked out the water supply.


She checked out the latrines.


She checked out the chuck wagon.

Tick .

In fact, she checked out every single cat acre and decided this was her homestead and God had been good to her.

Meanwhile, Big Brother Beau was still hiding in the wagon, waiting for the bandits to arrive and go to the Acme shed and bring out some explosives.

It has been a few weeks now. 

Miss Annie Oakley also known as Miss Bridget, is a gun toting " yee haw! " lady of the west and is outside exploring the wild places that Redhead's garden offers.

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Big Brother Beau is still inside being fed comfort and kindness and is too 'snoozy " to swoosh about the garden...

In fact, if Beau was a visitor to the Acme shed, he would walk out with a fish and Miss Bridget would come out with an AK15.

My tale of two kitties is this.

Redhead was sold a pup. 

She thought she was getting a lion and she got a pussycat.

She thought she was getting a pussycat and she got a lion.

 I do suspect that Miss Bridget was playing " victim" in order to keep her brother safe, not the other way around.

 Well, that is my tale of two kitties and I have a sneaky suspicion that Redhead will be saying : that pair of Manx Cats are a mystery to me. 

They knew what they were doing. because Redhead has no idea what the hell is going on in her house. 

Those two cats have taken over her life and she is trying to keep up as they take her on a journey that is as yet - a mystery.



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