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Is the Australian Constitution Racist? 

Many Australians over recent decades have been told that the Australian Constitution is “racist”. They point to the so called “White Australia Policy”, and an original provision in the Australian Constitution.

The label "White Australia Policy " was invented by the enemies of our unique “Native Peoples”, for their own nefarious private interests.

It should have more appropriately been called the "Protection of unique native people's Policy". But that would not fit the divisive agenda of the enemies of Australia.

The slur of the "White Australia Policy" was crafted in the 1970’s by hostile foreign activists peddling their “wares” on our soil. What were they peddling? Subversion.

Their “wares” were the foreign hostile invention of a transnational private corporation. They took it upon themselves to call their private corporation the “United Nations”. A transnational private corporation exerting influence directly into the executive arms of Worldwide governments.

They were peddling their trojan horse of so called “human rights”.

The so called “United Nations” has always been a privately operated, non democratic group of vested interest actors, who issue directives to a collection of invited public servants from target countries who are brought under the influence of the so called “United Nations”.

These targeted public servants have no charter to represent their nations, yet are encouraged to sign all manner of international agreements on behalf of their nations.

This practice commenced in earnest in Australia from the 1950’s.

Like most predators the UN used all manner of enticements to lure their prey.

What few of these public servants understood at the time, was that behind this private corporation which called itself the “United Nations” were the most ruthless and predatory transnational corporations in the World.

Few Australians know that this policy was implemented to protect our unique native people, our “First Australians”, our beloved Australian Aboriginal People, and our beloved Australian Torres Strait Islander People. It was not primarily to “keep Australia British” as has been claimed.

In fact, it was to primarily protect and ensure the “unique native people's” of Australia were not lost to humanity. All Australians can thank the Founding Fathers of Australia and the Australian Colonialists of the 1800's for safeguarding and preserving our "unique native people's".

Yet, some under the influence of the enemies of Australia call them “racists”. They do so without ever understanding or attempting to know the object behind why our Founding Fathers did what they did. But some people will happily regurgitate that the Australian Constitution is “racist”.

What they will never come to understand is that it was protective of all Australians, particularly and very specifically our “unique native peoples”.

Part 4 “White Australia” Policy

How many Australians were taught about the horrors of the Slave traders, primarily the Dutch, French and Portuguese operating in the Pacific Ocean in the 1800’s?

Most Australians know more about African American slaves than what happened in our own Pacific Ocean. Yet, this history has never been taught in our Australian schools.

Australia did not ever allow foreign or domestic “slaves”, as they did in America.

Of course, this will be shocking to those who have been shown horrific historical photographs of black skinned people in chains, as “evidence” of slavery in Australia. The implication is that our Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people were bought and sold as part of the Worldwide slave trade, which was operating in most all other countries. False.

That is a recent invention of the enemies of Australia to create the same division they have in the United States of America.

Attempting to equate the “slave trading” of African slaves who were forcibly kidnapped and transported to foreign lands as “commodities” for sale, with Australian history is entirely deceitful. It is insulting to conflate all people of the same colour, as either “victims” or “perpetrators”. That is the very definition of racism.

Again, our enemies are unconcerned with truth.

Our Founding Fathers knew the truth, most of them had direct knowledge or were eyewitnesses to events in 1835 as a young married Man in his 20's our most well known Founding Father Henry Parkes immigrated with his young wife to Australia. Their knowledge and experience and wisdom informed every word of our Australian Constitution.

Their words and objectives and intent of what they did and why were captured in the Federation and the Constitution Debates over a period of ten intensive years of debating and drafting.

But our Enemies never wanted us to read or study the words of our Founding Fathers, any more than they wanted us to know the true history of Australia.

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