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The danger posed in Colonial times to our “unique native peoples” in Australia was of great concern to our Founding Fathers. The true Australian history posed a threat to our enemies, and they continue to attack, contort and invert our Australian history. They do so to this day.

There was a reason early publications and textbooks by authors with direct accounts and those eye witnesses to the horror of the Pacific Ocean Slave Traders were removed from the shelves of the Australian schools, universities and public libraries.

Part 7 – Bad Faith? 

The libraries are filled instead with recent publications of “imaginings” by authors with political agendas who do not draw on reliable historical sources at all, or when they do it is with a bias to contort them into a political narrative.

Yet, this hidden history was captured in the very words of our own Founding Fathers during the Federation and Constitution Debates during the 1890’s. Yet, the object behind certain provisions in the Australian Constitution became “inverted”.

The Good Faith of our Founding Fathers was corruptly painted as Bad Faith by our enemies.

So too, the later related statute the Immigration Restriction Act 1901 (Cth), which became the later focus of directed attacks as “racist” and “discriminatory”.

But at the time when there was a living memory of the necessity to specifically safeguard our “unique native peoples”, the only people who attacked it were those directly or indirectly involved with the Slave Trade in the Pacific Ocean.

Part 8 – Enemies of Australia 

They did not hide their identities. They claimed entitlement to engage in the trafficking of the native people of the Pacific Ocean.

The political attacks and claims of “racism” and “discrimination” came generations after. Living memory of the object of the legislation was lost.

Ironically, these calls of “racism” were inspired and encouraged by the very same hostile foreign predators and corporations who posed the greatest threat to our “unique native peoples” in Australia, decades before. These were the slave traders of the Pacific Ocean.

The British Monarchy had outlawed the practice throughout the Empire in 1806. The only Country they did not decimate of its “native peoples” in the Pacific Ocean was Australia.

All Australians can thank our Founding Fathers and the Australian Colonialists of the 1800’s for the protective measures they took. It was not in their financial interests, because the slave trade and later “blackbirding” trade in the Pacific was as lucrative as the later drug trade.

It was a question of morality for the Australian Colonialists to protect our “unique native peoples”. A race of irreplaceable ancient souls who would not be living today, had it not been for our Founding Fathers of Australia and the Australian Colonialists in the 1800’s.

Yet, some under the influence of the enemies of Australia call them “racists”. They do so without ever understanding or attempting to know the object behind why they did, what they did.

But they will happily regurgitate that the Australian Constitution is “racist”.

What they will never come to understand is that it was rotective of all Australians, particularly and very specifically our “unique native peoples”.





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