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Our Founding Fathers, including Henry Parkes were mostly self-educated hard-working Men.

Mentoring by older and more experienced educated Men would often guide their academic studies.

They read the essential classic law books and devoted themselves to hard work and scholarly devoted study outside of their working hours. Their learning was largely self-directed study.

Their knowledge was often tested against the learnings of other such men who competed for excellence of knowledge to distinguish themselves in the local Parliaments.

They tested their skills and knowledge against each other in debating societies and the like. Those who excelled became the directly elected representatives of their communities.

This was the case with all of the Founding Fathers. All were directly elected in what was then called “local” elections of the various Colonies, which later became the various Australian “States”.

There were many brilliant scholars of classical law, and almost all were avid students of history.

Many of them were dedicated scholars of the “Worlds’ Greatest Experiment”, the “new” Republic which had emerged from the horrors of the War of Independence in America.

Henry Parkes and the other Founding Fathers were avid students of the American Revolution and the Constitution and later Bill of Rights.

They had the benefit of over one hundred (100) years of studying how America got it right, with the benefit of all the lessons learned from the United States of America.

The names of many of our Founding Fathers are lost on many Australians from the lack of education regarding the most important document for every Australian Individual, our Australian Constitution.

Many have heard of Henry Parkes, but what of the other fifty four (54) Founding Fathers?

Many indigenous (born here) Australian’s may be related to our Founding Fathers. You may be one of them, yet you shall likely never learn of it though any school nor university in Australia.

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