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Two Irish men, Paddy and Mick, travel to London to try and find work. Neither of them have any work experience but will do anything to earn some money.

Mick is reasonably bright but poor Paddy is not quite the full shilling.

As they are walking through London Paddy sees a sign on a building site “Intelligent builders wanted, you will be required to take an intelligence test.”

Paddy says to Mick why don’t we apply here we can always learn to do things.

Mick has a fit but hasn’t got the heart to tell Paddy that he doesn’t stand a chance so he agrees in the hope that he can somehow pull off a miracle.

They walk onto the site and ask a builder where do we apply for the job?

They are pointed to the site foreman’s office. Mick climbs the two steps and knocks on the door. The site foreman says “what can I do for you two.” Mick says “we want to take the test for the job.”

The foreman says “that’s good you’ll have to come in individually as the test is an oral one.”

Mick immediately sees a way they just might both get a job and says “that’s great, I’ll go first, you wait there Paddy.”

The foreman invites Mick into his office and offers him a seat. He then ask Mick to give him a sentence with the word ‘great’ in it.

Mick thinks for a few seconds and then says “I know sir, I’ve got a donkey jacket and it’s great!”

The foreman says “that’s fantastic you can start on Monday, please ask Paddy to pop in.”

Mick can’t believe his luck and as he walks down the steps he wipers to Paddy “the answer is- I’ve got a donkey jacket and it’s great.”

So Paddy enters the foreman’s office and takes a seat. The foreman says “now Paddy I’d like you to give me a sentence with the word ‘fascinate’ in it?”

Paddy thinks for a while and then says -

I know sir - I’ve got a donkey jacket and it’s great.

The foreman is bemused and says “I need the word ‘fascinate’ in the sentence Paddy.”

Paddy is now quite confused and thinks for a few minutes more before he says
“I’m sorry sir but I hadn’t quite finished.”

The foreman says “ok start again.”

Paddy says “I’ve got a donkey jacket and it’s great; its got nine buttons, but I only —
fasten eight.”

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