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If I ask myself who I truly respect and admire in the field of Sports, I would have to say Israel Folau and Margaret Holmes a Court.

Two Christian sports people who stood up for their beliefs in spite of fierce back lashes downunder.

Compare their sacrfices to what has happened to Adam Goodes and Colin Kapernick and you will see the pattern: two defended their faith and one defended his right to be a racist.




People of colour seem to be able to get away with a lot these days. In fact, rude and offensive behaviour is very cool if you are black, brown or hovering between the two.
The interesting conundrum is Israel Folau - a brown man, who, for some reason is neither black nor white. To be fair, he is an Islander. From the magnificent South Pacific. He was neither subjected to slavery nor was he ever tormented by racism. He is just an ordinary man who was great at Rugby and happened to have a strong Christian faith. 
This powerhouse of Australian Rugby, as the key player of the Wallabies, did somerthing that the leftie luvvies hated. He had the audacity to quote the Bible on his social media account whereby he said that homosexuals, thieves and deviants were wrong and he would implore them to embrace Christ.
Something like that.
Well, the leftie luvvies were shocked. Everyone was horrified, according to the Main Stream Media.
All he did was quote from the Bible.
Israel lost his job and his career. 
It may seem somewhat unimportant to you and you and you and you.... an unknown man in an unknown country who loses his job because he quoted the Bible.
But it is very important.
When men like Israel Folau lose their livelihoods because of their faith - no matter where they live or what job they do - it is
Israel continues to fight and I hope and pray he wins.
If we do not help him and pray with him, then he is without support. 
May we please look after our fellow Christian and send our love and prayers, our hope and strength to Israel Folau?
You know, I read an article a few months ago and it really said something to me.
Here is something that really struck my heart.

" It is pouring with rain. The rugby field is a quagmire. The other players have retreated to the warmth of the locker room. Even the spectators have gathered up their umbrellas and scarves and are leaving the stands. It is now a rugby match where one man stands alone. He believes in what he does; he believes that his way of playing the game is right.

Earlier in the day, the lone player was faced with a problem. He was a purist. He knew the rules of the game and did not feel that the rules should be bent or changed. His Rule Book had taught him that there was no such thing as a medal for ?trying? or bending the rules. No, his Rule Book was the first Rule Book of the game and he still stood by what it spelt out to him in words that made sense to him.

The player held his Rule Book close to his heart and he used it to live each and every day of his young and unfolding life. As time went by, those that surrounded him started reading a new book: The “Book of Yeah, But.”

Each day, he worked hard and played rugby and went to his church and preached the gospel according to his Book of Rules. He lived a quiet life, a measured life and a life that did not contain any excerpts from the “Book of Yeah But.”

Fellow players who worshipped the “Book of Yeah But” got into mischief, got drunk, had brawls, embarrassed themselves, their families and their country. But they were fortunate, because when they faced criticism they would grab their books and point to a page and yell “Yeah, but..!”

The lonely player kept striving and became one of the best players in his team. He won awards and hard-earned respect as a player among players. He walked in the footsteps of legends and served himself, his sport and his country proudly. Very proudly indeed.

His behaviour, both on and off the field was renowned for quiet dedication to his craft, his family, his Book and his beliefs.

The rain that falls today is not a physical rain but a rain of tears of sadness. This man who simply spoke his mind about something that meant so very much to him, has lost his job because people yelled and screamed “Yeah, but.”

Abandoned on the field of fair play, he has been deserted.

In my mind, Israel Folau kicked a hugely important goal. He may have lost his match, lost his job, lost his income, his livelihood and his future as a Rugby Player, but he gained so much more.

When, in the rain, he stood alone, defiant with head held high, he won a medal for truth, integrity, honesty and strength of conviction.

I applaud this man and I applaud his courage.

To me, Israel Folau is a hero because he dared to do what so few are prepared to do: Stand up for his beliefs and not take a knee to the pervasive ?Yeah, but.?

Israel Folau may have stood alone on my metaphoric rugby field, but I can guarantee that there are hundreds of thousands of people who cheered him on as he kicked the most important goal of his life."

He shot that ball between HIS goal posts with the power and passion of a good-hearted and decent human being. His boot had the power of conviction; the power of belief and the power of knowing that his Book of Rules was preferable to ?Yeah But.?

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