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In my dream, a country at the bottom of the world known only for sheep, fiords and interesting accents had suddenly become front page on the news around the world.

In my dream, a city called Christchurch – say it slowly and in two syllables as separate words, had become the scene of a massacre carried out by an Australian. How bizarre is that? An Aussie shooting Kiwis? In  a city where the Rugby Union team is called “The Crusaders? “ At a Mosque? Crazy stuff. But it gets weirder.


In my dream, the guy who shoots the Kiwis is also a well travelled bloke from Regional Australia who, after the tragic demise of his father from Cancer, gets enough money from trading in bitcoin to head off around the world and visit such diverse places as Bosnia, Montenegro, North Korea, Turkey and Israel….. appears to develop an excellent understanding of weapons and manages to, singlehandedly, amass an arsenal of weapons that I would not even begin to imagine even existed, let alone know how to operate. And all without any military training or background?

In my dream, this innocuous Aussie drives to a Mosque, walks in and manages to wound and slaughter countless people with his arsenal of evil.

In my dream, there was a training exercise for the local Police ( whew!) and members of that elite training group were able to get to the scene very quickly. It was a miracle. How incredible was that?

In my dream, the “ evil Aussie “ had written a detailed manifesto of hate, modeled on one written earlier by someone else whose name escapes me – now that I am “ woke “ – and when he is arrested, he ends up committing suicide being cremated and never heard of again. Only he wasn't! He just lived on some island with loads of money and lived happily ever after.


Job done.

In my dream, the gun laws get changed and legislation is passed seemingly overnight. The little country goes in to lock down on the internet. People weep and applaud the compassionate Prime Minister for wearing a headscarf and embracing the wretched victim’s family members.

In my dream, people around the world forgot 911 and the Ethiopian Church massacre, the thousands of Christians killed by islam and all tears were shed for islam.

Geez, what a strange dream! Just thought I would share it with you.

I am glad, however, it was only a dream. Otherwise it would be a nightmare.

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