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The Great Australian Dream. You work your arse off all of your life to make money to provide for your family, provide a home and ensure their future is secure. You pay your taxes and look back with no regrets: a life hard worked and life hard earned.

You didn’t go out for dinner, except for VERY special occasions and you went without that beer or new pair of shoes so that your kids would get to wear the school uniform and have the books that would afford them a sound education.

After years of graft, working long hours and slogging your heart out, you finally reach the end of the road: a freehold house, a secure future, well educated children and the promise of a well deserved and well earned treat.

It is a badge of triumph and something to be worn with great honour. Because you bloody earned it.

The dream of finally heading off around Australia, in your Van and living the life that you worked toward: total freedom.

But all of a sudden, it is under threat. And, what is worse, is that the very kids that you worked your arse off to raise, are among those who would seek to vote to take it all away from you.

The soft, privileged and unaware global warming, reef hugging sweethearts who shy away from everything that enabled you to give them the life you worked and slaved to create…. Poof, gone, with a tick in the wrong place at the ballot box.

I wonder when the young café set will start looking at the bigger picture? Their beloved Greens want to take away Mum and Dad’s caravan towing car. They also want to take away part of the inheritance. Yes, Mr and Ms Soy latte tree hugging lefty, Labor is going to impose Death Duties. I wonder how you feel about donating to Comrade Bill instead of the money grab when we oldies finally turn up toes and fall off the perch? Your generosity of spirit may not be quite so good then, will it?

Perhaps you don’t care, you young, sheltered, naïve and green sweethearts, that your parents could die of cold as the coal fired electricity goes away. Because it seems to me that you are more busy worrying about the planet than you are about the welfare of those that gave so much to give you life and the liberty to kill us off when the inevitable power outages commence in earnest.

Comrade Bill wants to take away the oldies retirement incomes if, shock and horror, they managed to put aside sufficient to enjoy a comfortable retirement. Bugger it says Bill. Tax the suckers, and make them keep paying… for myself, I have serious concerns about the franking credit changes…..  

This election is, on face value, about coal, the planet and the rights of migrants to enjoy the wealth and generosity of our Nation.

But it seems to me it is more about “ How to Screw the Oldies. “

Anyone over the age of 50 who votes for Labor is voting for a death by a thousand cuts.

Unless Morrison pulls his socks up and runs a campaign of strength, transparency and a commitment to the hard working decent Australian who has earned the right to enjoy the fruits of his or her labours, then the only way to stop this takeover is to vote for a minor Party.

It is up to Morrison. He needs to pull his finger out, develop a spine and announce, hand on heart that the Coalition will support coal; support strong borders; support reduced immigration; get out of Paris and bring sanity back to Canberra.

If he does not do this, then the voters will turn their backs on him, just as Labor have turned their backs on us.

The ball is in your court. Mr Morrison.

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